Who is Geoffrey Botkin?

A collection of his writings & sayings

Parenting & Education

On Scripture as the Basis of Education:

“All the words of scripture are profitable for instruction, and not just in an academic sense, but in building a complete world and life view for a lifetime of profitable obedience. No education is complete without teaching the whole counsel of God to children. This means theology and history….

“Genuine knowledge begins with faith, reverence, submission, and obedience and not with friendship with the world and its false knowledge and philosophy and empty deception.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

On Public Schooling:

“Unfortunately, in this world of [public] schooling, education does not happen, and some children know it does not happen.

“This is partly why young American school children are hateful toward grown-ups. They know the culture of schooling is an artificial and dishonest culture of exploitation, indoctrination, political folly, and institutionalized deception. They don’t want to go along with this but are made captives to these empty traditions of men. They are given no alternatives in our disintegrating culture but mindless compliance or surly rebellion. This is why many young people are ashamed, angry and dangerous, and why American homes are unhappy, fragmented places of confused conflict. Families don’t function well in the artificial, dishonest world of total government control.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

On Bad Influences:

“Parents must be vigilant with every influence their children encounter or are likely to encounter. Parents can provide opportunities to get away from bad company and to be exposed to great men and visionary leaders. Bad company may not simply be wastrels and delinquents, but fools who are devoted to counterfeit or delusionary academic pursuits. Proverbs 13:20 says, ‘He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.’…

“Students who spend time with intellectuals who hold arrogant or anti-Christian ideas will become like those teachers morally. There are consequences to foolish living and learning which can include straying and even destruction. The destruction might be so severe as to last several generations. Parents can structure their home and community life to be in fellowship with like-minded people who are serious about finding wisdom.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

On “Little Terrors”:

“Every cute little girl comes into the world as a rebel, but parents can guide little terrors into paths of outward righteousness at young ages.”

– Geoffrey Botkin
“So Much More”, Appendix A – Page 322

Screenshot from BlueBehemoth.com

On Siding with Christ:

“Our anti-Christian government curriculum is hostile to the law of God and the Ten Commandments for this reason: believers who obey these commands carefully would never permit or tolerate unconstitutional, compulsory, public education. Free people are not schooled by their leaders.

“We have been badly deceived. The federalized curriculum has deceived us to think that the state is a higher sovereign authority than God. The schooling culture has taught us to abandon our duties before Christ and to let our children believe that education is a morally neutral pursuit, and that secularism is not religious. Our children need to know that Christ disagrees, and that it is time to side with Christ. It is time to introduce our children to the blessings that come with siding with Christ and the joys of true education.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

Courtship & Gender Roles

On Protecting Daughters:

“You need to protect everything about your daughter, but especially her future. This requires that you be completely vigilant in protecting her mind, her body, and her soul from any threat. Including boys. Including toxic ideas. Including corrupt friends. The Bible commands fathers to know their daughters intimately enough to protect them from rash vows, dangerous contractual obligations, and the violation of their virginity… A girl’s relationships are very much a father’s business, and a father carries judicial guilt if he abandons his duties.”

– Geoffrey Botkin
“It’s (Not) That Complicated” – Appendix A – Page 248

Screenshot of Geoff Botkin’s Daughter-in-Law’s Twitter bio

On Daughters Growing Up:

Deception 5: ‘You can’t hold onto ‘em forever!’

“By this deception fathers relinquish responsibility for their daughters at younger and younger ages. Fathers are supposed to hold onto their daughters until the daughter is given in marriage to a responsible husband. Deceived dads use Deception 5 to unnecessarily expose their daughters to the dangers of ruthless day care environments, false religious instruction in government classrooms, the company of wayward peers, unsafe employment experiences, oppressive personal debt, and one of the worst environments of all: the college campus.”

– Geoffrey Botkin
“So Much More”, Appendix A – Page 299

On Disciplining Daughters:

“Deception 6: ‘The ”attitude thing” will fix itself’…

“Daughters at every age need godly discipline, just as fathers do. It is the father’s duty to provide it for the daughter without compromise. Sin must be justly dealt with. Immediately. Fathers have a duty to fix patterns of misconduct when daughters are young. This is God’s prescription for peace and the delightful father-daughter relationship…

“Solution 6: Spank her firmly and calmly when she’s young, for active and passive disobedience, and she will love you for it all her life.”

– Geoffrey Botkin
“So Much More”, Appendix A – Page 300

On Obedient Daughters:

“The greatest protection we can possibly give our girls is to train them and equip them to do their complete duty (Col. 1:28-29). The more obedient they are, the safer they are, covered by the blessing and protection of God himself.”

– Geoffrey Botkin
“It’s (Not) That Complicated”, Appendix A – Page 250

On Daughters Going to College:

“Why does a young girl need college? To be initiated into modern degeneracy? To become acceptable to the state? To be sorted by the state for service to the state? For the defiling experience of enduring the politics of a modern bureaucracy? In order to develop disciplines she never was encouraged to get at home? Because she has no other options for spending her time more productively? Because she needs to become a wage slave at a place that only hires people with questionably-obtained bachelors degrees? So she can get a job later in life when her deadbeat husband refuses to work, or leaves her for a younger woman?

“Yes, these are some of the faulty reasons many deceived dads have in mind as part of a young lady’s educational upbringing. And these things are all good reasons if the girl is to be abandoned by her father to a life working in a corrupt bureaucracy, and if she is incorrigibly undisciplined and unresponsive to her father, and if she is incapable of working with her father, and if her father will not protect her from dangerous suitors. ”

– Geoffrey Botkin
“So Much More”, Appendix A – Page 300-301

On Tomi Lahren:

“…She seems to be so completely married to her own high-value career that any discussion of a relationship must follow these hard rules of conformity with the professional demands on Tomi’s life. She’s under contract to another man. Did you guys know that? Her life is wrapped up in serving a family man to make money for a family man whose name happens to be Rupert Murdoch. She’s under contract to him so in Tomi’s life how can there be any room for her to build a family of her own and work with a devoted husband to build up their own private estate? It appears there is no room and cannot be any room as long as her value is wrapped up, her identity is wrapped up, in what she calls her ‘amazing job.’”

– Geoffrey Botkin

On “Older Men” looking for “Younger Girls”:

“Tomi [Lahren] complains about childish men, and so do I, but she also gripes about older men of a more mature and successful and established reputation who are not looking for high-value girls like her, girls who have demanding careers, who are married to their careers. Those men are looking for younger girls who want to be married. And so maybe why are they looking, these men, looking for girls like that? Maybe because those successful men want to be successful in family life as well as in business life.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

Screenshot from Geoff’s Youtube account

History, Culture, & Current Events

On Jazz & Ragtime:

“And if you like the attitude, you are developing a worshipful attitude toward that particular song. And so jazz was marked by this attitude. Deliberately disrespectful and irreverent. Deliberately disrespectful and irreverent. Forms of jazz and ragtime developed a sloppy expression of mockery, criticism and covert protest against the triumphalism of the European traditions.

“It was mocking it. And that’s what ragtime really was. We’re ragging good music. We’re ragging classical music. We’re ragging good solid order and coherence.

“Defiance of authority by misbehavior. Now the trend, I want to make this point very clear. There were racists afoot in Europe who were bad White men, disciples of Karl Marx and disciples of other socialists on the scene. And they were exploiting and using Black people to further revolutionary ideas through music. And so this trend in defiance of authority was not led by Black Americans, but revolutionaries in Europe and spoiled American White kids who wanted to experiment with downward mobility, sensual license, and a party lifestyle that was not far removed from the brothels and the honky-tonks….

“Here’s a quote by E. Michael Jones who has studied this extensively.

“He said, ‘The happy-go-lucky, jazzin’, guilt-free, sexually liberated darky is a cultural construct created by white moderns.’* They were exploiters. I hate men who exploit the weak. Women and children and people who don’t have the education or the background to stand up and have moral clarity and certainty. And I hate music that does this to our culture and to our children.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

*Note: This quote is from “Dionysos Rising”, by E. Michael Jones – Source

On Colonization & Phillis Wheatley:

“Imagine with me for a moment what you might do if you live during the last years of the African slave trade in Boston after the War of Independence. Let’s just say you’re there, you have nothing to do with the slave trade, but one day a slave ship shows up in the Boston Harbor, and you go down to see what’s going on, and your heart goes out to a seven-year-old orphan girl that you see who’s about to be sold to somebody. And before anybody can buy her, you step forward, and you buy her, and you take her home, and you plan to emancipate her as soon as she can take care of herself in Boston society as a free Black woman.

“So you get her home, you get her back to health, you teach her to read and write, you introduce her to your most polite and well-educated friends, you introduce her to the wisdom of 500 years of literature that are on the shelves in your library, and she begins to flourish. And she starts reading the great, the great books that you’ve got: Alexander Pope, John Milton, Homer, Horace, Virgil, and the Bible. And so the question is, if you do this, are you a cruel colonist for helping a young orphan in this way?

“This happens to be the true story of Phillis Wheatley – and it is a true story. She was born in West Africa, she was rounded up by Black slave traders, she was sold into slavery at the age of seven or eight. She was then transported to North America and then taken into the Wheatley family of Boston.  By age 12, she was reading Greek and Latin classics in their original languages, as well as some of the more difficult passages from the Bible, and at the age of 14 she wrote her first poem to the University of Cambridge, meaning Harvard. She later traveled to the Atlantic again, you know, going east this time as a refined woman in a comfortable cabin.

“She was able to examine some of the foundations of civilization when she went to the United Kingdom. She traveled to London, she was introduced to the Lord Mayor of London, she was able to find a publisher for her book of poetry, making her the very first African-American author of a published book of poetry.

“So is the civilizing influence of colonization positive or negative? In her life, what was it? If the culture is inferior, then the colonization of that culture can be powerfully positive and helpful.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

Note: A real biography for Phillis Wheatley can be read here: Encyclopaedia Britannica.

On Advising President Trump:

“Dear Mr. President [Trump] …

“… My message to you is simple but very urgent. Given the intensity of the conflict that you have survived for four years, please begin using the arsenal of politics with even greater intensity. Fight back with every legal statute and precept available to you in the U.S. Code and in the Constitution and in Executive Order 13848. Those who mean to destroy your country cannot simply be fired like some lazy employee. They must be read their rights, arrested, and then tried, and then convicted and jailed. Organized opposition to your authority may be the crime of insurrection, and no one should ever get away with this. Every cabal of insurrection must be discovered and then rooted out of a nation and put to an end. So please examine every means available to you in various executive orders and laws and statutes and precepts and be as diligent about prosecuting these, as your opponents are ruthless. Politics is war. Please fight accordingly.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

Note: for context, this quote is from December 16th, 2020

Screenshot from Geoff’s “Stand Up and Lead” Youtube channel of a Dec 16, 2020 video


Screenshot from Geoff’s “Stand Up and Lead” Youtube channel of a Jan 9, 2021 video


On What Police Officers are Doing:

“… Now [my children] are starting their own families and telling their own children how to grow up, and they’re walking with their children and spending time with their children, teaching their children how to get control of those immaturities countless immaturities. How to get control of their anger, and why not to fight each other, and why not to stab the other kids in the neighborhood with knives, and why it’s a really bad idea to scream at police officers and spit on them and call them murderers when all they’re trying to do is keep peace in our world.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

Note: for context, this quote is from May 2021

Geoff’s speaker bio on Vision Forum Ministries


On the 20th Century:

“The predominant Christian worldview of the 19th Century was replaced with a dark and pessimistic one in the 20th. This steered the entire culture, not just the family, into spiritual blindness. Because of spiritual blindness, men think and act as slaves of a world system that locks them into blind conformity and chronic cowardice. It’s very hard to see one’s way out of this system, but many men repent of gross negligence once they see a picture of godly masculinity, and they turn their hearts toward their children.”

– Geoffrey Botkin
“So Much More”, Appendix A – Page 294

On Candidate Trump:

“A population of populists is a frightening thing to the establishment. Even more frightening is a thinking and morally courageous head of state who inspires others to speak truth. When entire nations develop a taste for liberty and start thinking and speaking freely, it is a heady experience. Every time candidate Trump made this look easy, he declared war on the lie he was contradicting. His supporters wanted to see more. Not because Trump is an entertaining guy with witty one-liners, but because they want to be thoroughly liberated from the culture of political correctness by a leader they trust will be true to his moral pledges, and proficient with the executive powers of the presidency.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

Note: for context, this quote is from 2016

 On a Memo Stating that Harassing School Boards is Illegal:

“Now, effective immediately on this date, federal law enforcement agencies have been mobilized for a nationwide manhunt – well, actually, it’s a mom hunt. It’s similar to the manhunt which rounded up hundreds of patriots who visited Washington, D.C., on January 6th, patriots who now sit in jail without bail or trial. Now, the unprecedented move against American mothers comes in response to a complaint by a shadowy school board organization…

“… It’s not an exaggeration for me to say that your wife could be arrested in the middle of the night by a SWAT team and put in prison for months or years without bail and without trial, and this is how they will intercept with extraordinary measures the threats of domestic terror that they now redefine to include the actions of your wife. They will arrest the moms before they can confront any elected officials.

“So men, can you count the cost of this? Do you realize how many attendees of the January rally –and you should have learned this by now – they were later arrested in the middle of the night by SWAT teams and they’re still locked up without bail and without trial and charge most of them only with misdemeanors. And do you realize that some of them were grabbed in the middle of the night because there was really just one email exchange that they might have had with some group that the Department of Justice wants to silence? And your wife could be charged with something way more serious than a misdemeanor, and you could easily lose your home to pay the legal costs – and if you try to keep your job – to pay for all this. What if your children are placed in separate foster homes? Have you thought this through?”

– Geoffrey Botkin

Note: for context, the memo Geoff is responding to can be read here

Screenshot, “Father to Son” on Geoff Botkin & Family’s Website, Western Conservatory


Screenshot, “The War Between the States” on Geoff Botkin & Family’s Website, Western Conservatory


Screenshot, “Emigration” on Geoff Botkin & Family’s Website, Western Conservatory


 On Welcoming Syrian Refugees:

“Our President Obama, whose father and grandfather were Sunni Muslims, assures us that he understands you Syrian Sunnis and that you will fit in just fine with our freedoms, our customs and our rule of law, which are Biblical in character. He says you will behave yourself and harbor no secret and hostile motives for your new nation, as some of the other Muslim immigrants have. Many of them have killed our friends and relatives in the name of Islam — in devout obedience to the commands of the Qu’ran.

“You can understand why this makes Americans nervous about Muslims. But our system of justice doesn’t allow us to falsely accuse anyone. We try to see all men as innocent unless proven guilty in an honorable court of law. Just remember that people who are guilty can get some pretty serious justice in this country. This is because our Biblical foundations do not permit us to have double standards in justice. If you have never read the Bible, you should. You would be surprised by what is in it and what is not in it. Would you like to know why sixty million immigrants have been so warmly welcomed by Americans over the last four centuries? The Bible commands Americans to love the foreigner and even personal enemies. You can read about yourself in Numbers 15:16, Deuteronomy 29:19, Malachi 3:5, Leviticus 19:33, and Exodus 22:21-24. Americans have taken these commands seriously. Deuteronomy 10:19 commands us to “show love for the stranger and immigrant.” And the way to do that is to give refugees like you equal protection of God’s law. We try to teach this law and enforce it so that the blessings of liberty and justice can be enjoyed by all. So welcome to the land of liberty and justice for all.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

 On the Culture of Egypt:

“Isaac Botkin and his team are not in Egypt to criticize, but to learn. They want to develop their skills in seeing what must be seen about culture. They are looking for the wisdom required to interpret culture. On this journey, they will examine an environment rich with four thousand years of cultural retreat, surrender, and reorganization. They are determined to find out why God preserved Egypt as a nation for more than four millennia. They are determined to find out why God warns all other nations about Egypt, and why those warnings are valid today.

“The Navigating History team are not the first Westerners to examine the complexities of Egypt. But they may be one of the first teams in a long time to apply a careful theological lens to what they see. They intend to discover why the worldview that still haunts Egypt is so similar to the one that shaped Egyptian culture during the life of Noah and his grandson Mizraim. Yes, there are many ancient ideas, circa 2200 BC, that still have consequences today. This gives us a rule of cultural analysis: there is never cultural neutrality and never an inconsequential idea.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

 On Visiting South Sudan:

“The primary mission of the trip was to assist Christian nation-builders in an effort that is truly rare in history. When nations fall and when nations rise, it is a very big deal, historically and spiritually. It is never by the will of man, but by the judgment of God, and the steadfast love of God.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

Screenshot, Botkin’s “Battle for Civilization” website


Screenshot, Botkin’s “Battle for Civilization” website


 On Spreading Theonomy:

“The broader scope of the Great Commission that has been neglected by Christians for several generations. American Christians seem to be disinterested in preserving the dominion-related aspects of their Biblical legacy. They appear to be confused about how to build a similarly theonomic foundation in other nations.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

 On Christian History in East Africa:

“We found not only village ruins, but we also found the ruins of a frail Christian foundation in East Africa, dating from the influence of British soldiers, bureaucrats and missionaries, who were restricted by the British government in what Christians were allowed to build and conquer. The missionaries were greatly restricted. General Gordon, the man who led the 19th century fight against the slave trade, was restricted by his own government in pointing Sudan toward Christian foundations. While at Borongole, we camped in the ruins of his old fort, now being slowly rebuilt by the people of Borongole.

“This region appears to have potential for family-led, father-led community development. Here we conducted a conference on nation-building for broken fathers and broken families. We spoke about the jurisdiction of the father in the nation-building effort through the family economy, decentralized local and national government, agricultural innovation, and independence from UN bureaucracy.”

– Geoffrey Botkin

Geoff Botkin’s Views

Beyond Vision Forum

Note: Many of the quotes above were taken from videos posted long after the fall of Vision Forum. Geoff’s views do not appear to have changed significantly.

While Western Conservatory and other Botkin family websites are still online, their primary focus these days appears to be running T.Rex Arms, a “6th Commandment/2nd Amendment company”. (Source)

Screenshot from a T.Rex Arms Instagram account


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