Who is Jennie Chancey?

A collection of her writings & sayings

Courtship & Advice for Daughters

On Dating:

“Let me say right off that I don’t see courtship as an alternative to dating. In my opinion, dating should be out of the question.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Dating:

“I am convinced that the high divorce rate in this nation comes in large part from the dating culture we’ve built. (By ‘dating,’ I mean serial relationships, not just stopping for a cup of coffee with a member of the opposite sex.) Dating creates the mindset that I can get out of a relationship as soon as it doesn’t meet my needs, my desires, my wants, and my agenda. We try people on like they were clothing with a money-back guarantee! This does not honor the other person or God, who created each individual in His image. It is selfish and assumes we will always have things the way we want them when we want them.”

– Jennie Chancey

On College:

“It is amazing how far removed we are from our own history when it comes to the education of women. The notion that an unprotected young woman should leave her home and family to ‘gain independence in the real world’ is less than 140 years old….

“While I do believe that men are called to go out into the world and establish themselves in the profession the Lord has called them to, I am willing to say openly that I do not believe there is a reason to send a young woman away to get an education.”

– Jennie Chancey
“So Much More”, pages 143, 145

On Homemaking Skills:

“I get a lot of letters from women who are newlyweds saying ‘I don’t even know how to boil water. My mother was a feminist, I don’t know how to raise kids, I don’t know how to cook. Who am I supposed to learn this from now? College didn’t teach me this! What am I supposed to do?’”

– Jennie Chancey
“Return of the Daughters” (Quote begins around 48 minutes in)

On Daughters Submitting to Fathers:

“Your dad might be a plumber, he might be a carpenter, he might be an accountant. Whatever it is that he does, he’s your father, and as such he is a reflection of the heavenly Father. Submit yourself to him, because you are this beggar maiden, and what glory there is to be a reflection of the choosing grace of God that says, I will take these lowly people and I will raise them up to be my bride. All of us, corporately, as the church, are the bride of Christ, but you ladies have a special path before you to represent the bride. I want you to think about that as you go through your life. What is the best way that I can show the world how the bride behaves? The father prepares the bride, my father prepared me. The groom, like my husband, submits to the will of the father. He submitted to the will of his father, he submitted to the will of my father. And the bride follows the groom, giving the world a beautiful picture of Christ and the church. This is our glory as women. It is the glory of lowly submission. Don’t hate that word. That word is glory, it is beauty, it is radiance, because our Savior came to submit to the will of the Father, to suffer an ignominious death, to die on the cross for our sins. He is our heavenly Groom and we are His bride.”

– Jennie Chancey
“Jennie B. and the Pilot”
(As Quoted Here)

On College:

“Did I go to college? Yep. Would I go again? Nope. Total waste of time and money. Total immersion in a fake world that revolved around ME. To say that we are stifling or repressing our daughters by preventing them from entering the ‘real world’ is completely laughable! College is not and never has been the real world. Not by a long shot. It is an isolated, insular little cosmos shut off from real life.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Working Full Time:

“Well, six months into working full-time, reality set in. Who dictated my schedule? My supervisor. Who decided when I could have time off? My boss. What paid for my car? The paycheck I wouldn’t get if I decided working full-time wasn’t for me. I saw that I was basically trapped. Because the full scholarship I’d won to go to college in the first place hadn’t been increased to cover rising tuition costs, I had about $8,000 in personal debt to pay off. My parents didn’t have that money, and working part-time in college hadn’t dented the debt. I had signed my name on the dotted line and was now responsible to pay. That’s when I started to sober up and reconsider this whole ‘freedom’ I’d been handed.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Unpaid Household Helpers:

“Picture a society built around the Bible’s covenant model: The young women often volunteer to be ‘servant girls’ in the homes of older married women, gaining as much as they give. While they are taking repetitive tasks like dishes and laundry off the hands of the mother, they have the opportunity to live in the ‘queendom’ of another woman and see what is involved in managing a home, practicing hospitality, and caring for and training children.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Pleasing Authorities Through Modesty:

“And honor your father or your husband by submitting to his leadership in the area of dress. If you insist upon your own way in dressing (even if it is modest) or try to follow another’s rules about dress without consulting your own authority, you’ve missed the point. We must be willing to please our authorities in the area of dress as much as we desire to please ourselves.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Staying Under Dad’s Protection:

“Daughters need to be taught how to add to the riches of their father’s household as a preparation for enriching their own future homes. If a daughter is not called to marry (the Lord gives her no desire to do so), she should serve in her parents’ home or help other Christian families in theirs (like the servant girls in Proverbs 31 or like Dorcas). She should never venture out from under her father’s authority and protection. This sounds so backwards and servile in today’s society, but we musn’t care what the world thinks. We must cling to God’s truth and rejoice in it! The gospel is beautiful. It is health and life to meditate upon it. It is death to reject it.”

-Jennie Chancey

Marriage, Modesty, & Gender Roles

On Women Having Careers:

“How does a woman blaspheme the Word of God? This isn’t something we can just brush aside or take lightly as a ‘cultural thing.’ St. Paul evidently believed it would be obvious enough to his readers that he didn’t need to say, ‘Leaving the home and going out into the workforce is sin,’… A woman cannot both ‘keep at home’ (or ‘guard the house’) and ‘keep’ in a separate workplace. She cannot both ‘obey her own husband’ (emphasis mine) and obey another boss (even if it is one for whom her husband has asked her to work).”

– Jennie Chancey

On Feminism:

“Feminism has had its time on history’s stage. We now call for it to step down and face the ruin and despair it has wrought and repent of its wrongs.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Gender Roles:

“Feminism isn’t the answer. It never was. Occasionally it has pointed out real evils. Every now and again it has done noble things. But, on the whole, it is built upon a foundation of radicalism that hurts the very women it claims to want to help. This doesn’t mean every feminist is an evil man-hater. We’ve never painted feminists with that broad brush. But it would behoove those who want to claim the title of ‘feminist’ to look carefully into the history of a movement that has done real damage to women and families in the name of ‘equality.’”

– Jennie Chancey

On Gender Roles:

“If we want to call a halt to women’s participation in the military, we must first acknowledge our own faults in denying God’s Word. Instead of blaming the feminists or faulting the legislators we’ve elected, we need to take a searching look into our own hearts and ask if we have bought into the lie that women are no different from men. We need to take a hard look at the way the Church instructs its daughters. Are we preparing a generation of capable, intelligent, and wise mothers and sisters, or are we lining our girls up to march in lockstep with a culture that does not cherish women or their unique role? The issue is not women in the military — the issue is our lack of faithfulness to God’s decrees for men, women, and children. Until we return to the “old paths” of Scripture in the way we honor our husbands, bring up our children, and protect our families, we do not have a leg to stand upon when it comes to rebutting the feminists on this issue. We’ve already sold our birthright for a mess of pottage. And the deepest grief of all is that, unlike Esau, we do not have the sense to weep over what we have lost.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Obeying Husbands:

“When wives honor their husbands and ‘obey…without fear’ (1 Peter 3:6), they demonstrate the trustful obedience of the Church to Christ’s rule. There is harmony and grace in a marriage built on the Edenic order of creation–never abuse or disunity. But when we rebel against this order, we become the foolish women of Proverbs 14:1 and pull our houses down with our own hands.”

– Jennie Chancey
“Passionate Housewives Desperate for God”, page 108

On Women Having Political Opinions:

“And, of course, what amuses me most of all as I sit here typing away is that I’m not casting a single ballot for anyone! My husband votes for our household… And, to get down to brass tacks, all the ladies reading this (wives, daughters, singles, etc.) need to remember that I am not advocating all of y’all becoming revolutionaries within your families. By all means, discuss these topics with fathers, husbands, and brothers in a gracious and patient manner. Sharpen iron! Remember how Acquila and Priscilla took Apollos aside to correct his doctrine (Acts 18:26). Christian men and women should be talking about these things within their own families, but we should not do so out of a wish to ‘divide and conquer.’ Ultimately, we need to remember our role as helpers and willingly submit to the leadership of our authorities in Christ.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Whether Women Should Vote:

“Here’s the point: Every woman does vote, whether or not she physically pulls the lever or puts the paper in the box. A wife casts her vote every time she discusses the issues of the day with her husband. A daughter casts her vote every time she asks her father about an article she has read or a speech she has heard. A wife votes by the very virtue of the fact that she is the ‘queen’ of the household and rules by her husband’s side. In this respect, all women ‘hold political interest,’ as our reader said above. It would be foolish indeed for a husband to pat his wife on the head in a condescending manner and say, ‘There, there, dear. You don’t need to think about that; I’ll do the thinking for our household all by myself.’ The wise husband seeks the counsel of his wife and enoys [sic] hearing her opinions. He is able to represent his household well because he is listening to those he represents. But, in the end, he does the representing, just as our congressmen represent us in the House and Senate on a daily basis.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Women in the Workforce:

“We lost the argument against women in the military when we turned a blind eye to the numbers of women flooding the workforce during WWI, in the 1920s, and the 1940s. We rationalized that this was all for a good end — that women serving on factory lines to produce munitions, jeeps, airplanes, and other wartime material would ‘help the boys over there’ and ‘keep America first.’ And certainly God can bring good out of all kinds of bad decisions — but that does not justify the decisions.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Women in the Army:

“Women are not called to put on battle dress or to train for battle. God calls it an ‘abomination,’ the strongest term that could be used. It is a sign of judgment upon a nation when women go into battle situations (see Judges 4 and Isaiah 3:12).”

– Jennie Chancey

On Submission When Husbands Ask Wives to Sin:

“Now, to apply this to a more personal situation of a wife married to an unbeliever or any man who commands her to disobey God, we can’t just come out with a long list of things that are worth laying down the gauntlet over. It is important to seek Wisdom from God’s Word and to live with humility and charity even in the midst of a difficult situation. The wife of the unbeliever is to have a winsome, gentle spirit — not start fights over every last thing. We need to know God’s Word so well and hide it in our hearts so earnestly that the Holy Spirit can immediately bring it to our minds when we are given what might be a questionable command. It is easy to say ‘no’ when the command is something extreme, like ‘Go prostitute yourself.’ It becomes harder when a command isn’t so blatantly evil (e.g. ‘I want you to wear this mini skirt.’) but still pricks the conscience. To use an old cliche’, it is better not to major in the minors. In every instance where a woman can in good conscience obey her husband, her quiet, patient demeanor can do more to ‘win her husband without a word’ than half an hour of righteous indignation ever could. Sarah, who is given as our model, obeyed Abraham even when he foolishly (and sinfully) told her to pretend she was his sister. God protected Sarah, and He can certainly protect the rest of the women under His care. But I think it is safe to assume that if Abraham had said, ‘Go into that man’s tent and sleep with him,’ she would have said, ‘I must obey God rather than man.’ We need wisdom to judge between situations that do not directly violate God’s commands and situations where we would put our souls (and perhaps our bodies) in jeopardy because of a command to transgress God’s Word.”

– From the Ladies Against Feminism FAQ Section

On Looking Womanly:

“As women, our clothing should tell the truth of our position in God’s economy. We are the ‘weaker vessel,’ softer and gentler than the man and in submission rather than in leadership. When we dress for the day, does our clothing declare that we are feminine and precious — people to be protected and cared for? Or does it proclaim that we can earn our own way in the world and slay our own dragons? The woman clomping around in ‘tank pants’ and combat boots doesn’t bespeak maidenly virtues or a need to be treasured and cared for. In fact, she invites others to treat her as ‘one of the guys,’ slapping her on the back, slamming doors in her face and leaving her to fend for herself in a dark parking lot. But the woman of gentle, discreet femininity invites honor and distinction. Men hush their rough talk when she enters the room. Men think twice before letting a door close in her face. No one would dream of slapping her on the back or sharing a coarse jest with her. The clothing she chooses to wear partially explains the preferential treatment she receives, but it goes deeper than what is on the outside. Her feminine beauty grows from within–from her obedience to God’s commands for womanly behavior. As our culture continues to toss aside male-female distinctions in favor of ‘gender neutrality,’ we must strive even more to be womanly and make modesty look as wonderful as it really is.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Current Styles:

“We can therefore walk into most churches on any given Sunday and behold a parade of young women pass by in tight tee-shirts, low-slung jeans, form-fitting skirts and other curve- and flesh-revealing styles. Church youth groups participate in mixed-sex pool parties without a second thought, everyone coming in their skivvies and no one batting an eyelash. We have become callused to public nudity, even in the church.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Immodest Women:

“…They are all in various states of undress. The ones closest to the wall may look feminine, but many of them wear tight sweaters and dresses that outline every curve. Some wear knee-grazing skirts that don’t stay put when they sit down. Others have covered themselves from head to toe, but their clothing is masculine and not distinctly feminine. All of them need to understand God’s unchanging Standard for modesty, femininity and purity.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Women Having Opinions About Current Issues:

“Are you a woman who is vitally interested in the issues of the day? Talk to your husband (or your father, if you’re a daughter)! Draw him out into conversation and get to know his mind on the issues. Most of all, be willing to listen. You may be astounded at how well your husband can articulate his viewpoints when he is asked for them. Ask lots of questions! And be willing to be wrong! When your viewpoint cannot hold up to scrutiny, accept defeat gracefully. If your husband ends up changing his mind, be humble. And when you really feel your husband is wrong, commit your feelings to the Lord and pray for your husband as he represents your household ‘in the gates.’ It is a solemn duty to serve as the ‘magistrate’ of the household and not one to be taken lightly. Much rests upon husbands and fathers as they represent their households, so lighten that burden by being supportive, encouraging, and involved.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Submission as Freedom:

“Whether you find your life as a woman stifling or freeing is your choice. The paradox of Scripture is that submission gives the greatest freedom and that death brings life. We can die to ourselves, to our dreams and to our own desires, yet find that we are vibrantly alive and free to pursue the high calling of womanhood with intelligence, wit, joy and zest. This is our vision. This is our calling. It is one that will take a lifetime to develop and pursue. It is far from narrowing or confining, yet it is bounded closely by the Word of God.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Modesty for All Ages:

“There is room within God’s boundaries for the old-fashioned Romantics who love full, sweeping skirts and for the practical ladies who prefer more tailored lines. But there is no room for licentiousness. There is no room to stumble your brothers. There is no room to parade about in gaudy apparel designed to draw attention to your status or your feminine ‘assets.’ And mothers, please take care in how you dress before your children. It grieves me to see many older women who have apparently decided, ‘if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.’ I don’t know what is more distressing: the young, beautiful girl in tight pants and cropped shirt or her mother, following in her wake in an attempt to look ‘hip.’ Let us be sober, dressing as befits our age and station in the world and in the Church. This is even more important than ever as our culture continues to slide down the drain. We are called to be ‘set apart’ and different. Today it is nearly impossible to tell many Christian ladies from their worldly counterparts. And if you feel that this intrudes upon your ‘liberty’ or ‘freedom,’ please consider that your ‘freedom’ to dress immodestly is eating away at the freedoms of modest women to be treated with respect by men and not as mere sexual objects for sport or jest. Let’s let the men be men, and let us be thoroughly feminine, from the inside out. It’s not only God-honoring; it is beautiful and gratifying!”

– Jennie Chancey

On Modesty & A Woman’s Honor:

“The woman who exposes what is private and precious to public view tells the world that she is unprotected and even cheap. Such a woman might be insulted if someone acted upon the message her clothing communicated—she doesn’t think she is cheap or easy, after all; she’s just wearing what she likes. A modestly dressed woman of times past could demand an apology for an insult to her honor, but only because her clothes communicated the fact that she was a woman of honor. This does not excuse the behavior of the cad who insults a woman or treats her cheaply. Men should conduct themselves with honor no matter what the woman’s clothing communicates, but this doesn’t mean women are free from responsibility in this matter, either.

– Jennie Chancey

Screenshot of the 2008 Vision Forum Catalog

On Joyful Slavery:

“This is the point most of us have to admit we are ready to jump ship. Sounds like slavery to me, we think. No, thanks, I give enough of myself as it is. I don’t have the time or energy to give any more. We miss the whole point that God doesn’t give us a choice between slavery or non-slavery. He tells us that we can be either slaves to sin or slaves to Christ! Christ bought us with His blood, we belong to Him. Fighting against this is folly. Here’s where we kill contentment and push happiness away with both hands. We’re so afraid of becoming the ever-dreaded ‘doormat’ that we don’t even consider that God’s ways might just actually bring the joy, peace, and delight we vainly seek.”

– Jennie Chancey
“Passionate Housewives Desperate for God”, page 153

On “Nagging”:

“One of the most foolish things a woman can do to her husband is to emasculate him by putting him down publicly. Complaining about his bad habits or revealing his weaknesses is not only foolhardy, it is a clear violation of Christ’s command that we do to others as we would have them do to us (Mathhew 7:12). Furthermore, 1 Peter 3:1-2 reminds us that the best way to win our husband (even unsaved ones) is most assuredly not through nagging.”

– Jennie Chancey
“Passionate Housewives Desperate for God”, page 113

On Modesty:

“God designed man to enjoy and appreciate a woman’s body — more specifically, his wife’s body. The Song of Solomon is a breathtaking tribute to the beauties of human love and the gifts of femininity and masculinity. Proverbs exhorts a husband to enjoy his wife’s body, which is his own and belongs to the gaze of no other man (Prov. 5:19). When you wear low-cut necklines, you are offering to the public what belongs to your husband alone to enjoy. Will your husband be happy to know that countless men before him have enjoyed beauties that should ‘ravish’ him alone? It is the ‘strange woman’ of Scripture who attires herself as ‘an harlot’ (Prov. 7:10). She does it to trap the foolish man who is easily turned aside by her wiles. Cover yourself, ladies! Do it because you fear God and love His commandments. Do it because it is the ‘more excellent way.’ Do it because it is a way to love your brothers in Christ and put them first. Do it because it is a protection given to us by a loving Father.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Being Feminine:

“One of the strange ironies of feminism is that it isn’t feminine. For several generations, women have been told they have to be more like men, adopting male occupations, mannerisms, and clothing. The ‘hook-up’ culture even encourages women to be as promiscuous as the proverbial bad boys, urging them to go on the prowl and forget about emotional and spiritual intimacy–as if lowering the bar for everyone will somehow raise us to true equality.”

– Jennie Chancey
“Passionate Housewives Desperate for God”, page 99

Screenshot from the Ladies Against Feminism site (run by Jennie Chancey & Lydia Sherman)


On Women’s Roles:

“You want to be equal with God? Die–it’s that simple. Why is God’s role for women so important? Because God says when we reject it, we blaspheme His Word (Titus 2:5). ”

– Jennie Chancey
“Passionate Housewives Desperate for God”, page 97

On Leadership:

“The bottom line is God created men for leadership, and he clearly tells us in his word that when women are in leadership, it’s a sign of a curse upon a nation.”

– Jennie Chancey
“The Monstrous Regiment of Women”

On Ignoring Shortcomings:

“With true masculinity under attack in Western culture, make it a point to keep all the negatives outside your door, don’t bring them into your home through attitudes or actions. ‘Let the wife see that she reverence her husband’ (Ephesians 5:33). Let your children hear you praise your husband, and tell them what a wonderful father they have.

“The more we take your eyes off our husband’s shortcomings, the more wonderful qualities we will see. Many a marriage has been transformed by the simple application of God’s command that wives submit to and respect their husbands. Remember that goldy femininity complements masculinity–it brings wholeness to humanity. It doesn’t compete. It doesn’t seek its own glory but delights to see others succeed and earn praise.”

– Jennie Chancey
“Passionate Housewives Desperate for God”, pages 116, 117

On Masculinity:

“Pop culture today glories effeminacy in men. From television shows like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and the glorifications of ‘metrosexuals’* who are in touch with their feminine side, to fumbling, emotionally immature sitcom dads, the message is clear: maleness is something we have to ‘fix,’ and all those old masculine role models just won’t do.”

*There is an endnote cited here. The endnote, on page 198, reads as follows: “The ‘metrosexual’ phenomenon, largely guided by the homosexual community in Hollywood, encourages heterosexual men to embrace effeminate fashions and manners, becoming softer and gentler. This is a modern-day version of yesteryear’s ‘fop’ and is part of the larger cultural push for greater androgyny. It has its share of detractors in both liberal and conservative/religious camps, though it remains fairly popular in the media. Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is a popular television show that promotes homosexual men as advisers to heterosexual men on fashion and style to help them look like metrosexuals.”

– Jennie Chancey
“Passionate Housewives Desperate for God”, page 99

Screenshot of Matthew Chancey’s entry on the 2008 Art of Manliness Man of the Year competition, which he won. Source

On Her Husband Matthew Chancey:

“I knew my husband was a real man from the start. Not only did he wear impeccable three-piece suits and natty ties at age 19, but his favorite movies were all made before 1959, and he knew how to swing dance with verve…

“Matt is a far cry from today’s ‘metro-sexual’ or video game addict. He is a true man’s man.”

– Jennie Chancey

On Self-Care:

“The reasoning goes, ‘If Mama is putting herself first and being fulfilled, then she’ll be happier and well keep everyone else happy.’ I hope red flags go up immediately when you read unbiblical advice like this. While this might appeal to our egos or our self-centered sin natures, this is most definitely not biblical teaching.”

– Jennie Chancey
“Passionate Housewives Desperate for God”, page 154

Where Are They Now?

Beyond Vision Forum

Note: Matthew & Jennie Chancey lived in Africa for several years until they were, according to Matt, “deported back to America, courtesy of the anal-retentive adjudicators at the Ministry of Home Affairs.” Source 

They currently own a coffee shop in Alabama which has recently reopened after a fire. They are also currently offering a tour to South Africa, with potential plans to make this a recurring trip.

Ladies Against Feminism appears to be dormant except on Facebook, but there is no indication that Jennie is the individual posting to that page.

Jennie continues to sell sewing patterns and occasionally blogs about life on her pattern website.

Matt blogs as well and also recently released a children’s book “featuring a father’s poem to his children”.

On Her Large Family:

I was inspired to have a big family by the book Cheaper by the Dozen

– Jennie Chancey

Screenshot of Matthew Chancey’s current Substack bio.


Note: despite the Latin masses comment, the Chancey family appears to remain Presbyterian

Screenshot of Jennie’s blog


Screencap of video about their coffee shop


Screencap of Google’s listing of their women-owned business


Note: while this information is currently public, I have redacted personally identifying information which could hypothetically be removed from the Google listing in the future.

Screenshot from Jennie’s Instagram


Matt acting as a tour guide to South Africa.


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